Artist > Art for free/trade/donation
Freebie Steel & Water
this is just to give the more advanced user a look at possibilities with layer effects.... and to challenge people to forget the loaded presets everyone uses and go to to another level.
I could explain how to load it... pretty easy for the common user.. and a little info about adjusting for various resolutions.
As much as I love to give away free stuff, even more I want to see it challenge peeps creativity and sharing. I have one that makes flames... I will do a preview of how it looks but not share :-P
Dan I think in your case the ribbon is a well beaten horse very easy to find any where on the web thats why you wouldn't see to much interest on it. The water drop style is great i remember practicing tuts many years ago on water drops and glass effect its nice to see a style readily available.
I might do a tut about displacing an image behind the water drops.. So it looks magnified in the drops.. :-)
this is really not free art.. it's an artist tool or art tool. I have several like my Printer marks and what not. that is whay I was unsure where to " STICKIT" :-P
very nice, Dave, thanks. It would be more fun to mess with it and not just apply. That's how we learn, right?
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