"He who marches out of step hears another drum." ~ Ken Kesey
We use Newman Yellow tape. Double layer on all screens. (we use all thin-thread mesh, it's a little delicate)I like the yeller tape b/c it pulls off clean and easy. I figure I'd rather pay more for the tape and less for the labor to pick and clean and scrub to prep the frame again. I'll try to upload a pic when I get back to the printshop. One note: I cut the loose corners off the mesh. Those floppy ends tend to get snagged on things like our side clamps. Bill Hood would probably wag a finger at this practice but we've had zero issues with doing it. You'll probably want to put some serious protection on the square bar of yours. I think they make a protector piece for that?
Thanks guys.I have a roll or R-Tape that I will try.So, I should not be taping over the grooves until the mesh is work hardened? Would that tape move together with the frame/mesh when the frame is retensioned?Also, I'm using eCon panels, would that make any difference? I do not have the mesh flapping around.BTW, I coated some last night, and I have realized that I have to learn how to coat......again. Thanks