Author Topic: Few notes on CS6 upgrade . . .  (Read 7323 times)

Offline ZooCity

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Re: Few notes on CS6 upgrade . . .
« Reply #15 on: June 04, 2012, 11:54:11 AM »
wait, they took out the bitmap to line screen? or do you mean that ps is no longer something we can print out of? 

the latter was true already in cs5 I believe (we are running cs4 still although I have a copy of five). I switched all film output over to illy awhile back in preparation for this. spot channels in ps and then a placed ps file into illy, vectors on top.  I found the ps file to preview a little cleaner than dcs 2.0.  I never liked printing from ps anyhow.

Yup. I save the photoshop files as DCS 2 .eps and place them into illustrator, add any vector art I want there, plus my targets that match the ones on my platen jig, save as a .ps (postscript" file, and run out of Ghostscript for halftones and any overprinting.

One thing I see they've added to Illustrator CS6 is gradients along a path. Maybe something Corel already does?

Try a .psd instead of the DCS, it looks better when working with it in Illy and does the same thing (I think). 

Huh, gradients on a path sounds kinda handy.  I would settle for no-frills gradients that output correctly though.  Adobe's handling of gradients really craps on my parade, I could do so much more with them that I don't because it's such an output nightmare. 

Offline inkman996

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Re: Few notes on CS6 upgrade . . .
« Reply #16 on: June 04, 2012, 12:21:26 PM »
One thing I see they've added to Illustrator CS6 is gradients along a path. Maybe something Corel already does?

Yea right when pigs fly. They cannot even get mesh fill to work smoothly even tho they say they improve it. Corel is becoming a huge let down for me since X4 it is getting worse and not better. The crashing is horrible and all Corel does is blame it on your rig and other non existent issues even tho no other programs have crashing issues.
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Offline tpitman

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Re: Few notes on CS6 upgrade . . .
« Reply #17 on: June 04, 2012, 04:18:30 PM »
wait, they took out the bitmap to line screen? or do you mean that ps is no longer something we can print out of? 

the latter was true already in cs5 I believe (we are running cs4 still although I have a copy of five). I switched all film output over to illy awhile back in preparation for this. spot channels in ps and then a placed ps file into illy, vectors on top.  I found the ps file to preview a little cleaner than dcs 2.0.  I never liked printing from ps anyhow.

Yup. I save the photoshop files as DCS 2 .eps and place them into illustrator, add any vector art I want there, plus my targets that match the ones on my platen jig, save as a .ps (postscript" file, and run out of Ghostscript for halftones and any overprinting.

One thing I see they've added to Illustrator CS6 is gradients along a path. Maybe something Corel already does?

Try a .psd instead of the DCS, it looks better when working with it in Illy and does the same thing (I think). 

Huh, gradients on a path sounds kinda handy.  I would settle for no-frills gradients that output correctly though.  Adobe's handling of gradients really craps on my parade, I could do so much more with them that I don't because it's such an output nightmare.

Maybe it's me, but I've tried placing .psd files into illustrator, then "printing" as .ps files, then opening in Ghostscript. The halftones don't come out in the seps. I get shades of gray ink, not dots.
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Offline blue moon

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Re: Few notes on CS6 upgrade . . .
« Reply #18 on: June 04, 2012, 04:29:39 PM »
'talking about the ability to print directly from PS. I was hoping that they might have brought the needed features back, but no such luck.

I always place the psd file, and sometimes even drop it straight in from the bridge and have never had any problems with it.

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