screen printing > Equipment

How many screens do you have?

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42 MZX 18 x20

25 23x31 M3
25 21x26 MZX
50 18x20 MZX
appx 50 statics that collect dust.

We're a small shop, primarily the 25 21x26's stay in a constant rotation (our auto uses this frame size). Every Tuesday my part timer cleans screens and coats them, the drying cabinet holds 12, and I like to keep it full a all times. Our typical jobs use 1-4 screens.

As we grow I'll probably make one of my screen carts into a storage unit for coated screens and up the screens on hand that are "ready to go".

As from this summer I can say we don`t have nearly enough screens. 72 roller frames does not cut it. Further more I would say one screen drying cabinet does not do it anylonger either.

We finally went on a screen binge. Still getting mesh in them all. Lack of just got too aggravating. Now working on storage. Never ends.

We have:
96 MZX Newman.
50 Aluminium.
200+ Wood (yeap we still use wood here for our long tables). . But the termites are sending me a message.


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