Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. - Thomas Edison
Painting a floor properly is a very involved process. I will list the steps-1) sweep the floor and mop with a good degreaser2) etch the floor with muriatic acid or a safer etch gel3) rinse thoroughly and let dry for a few days4) check for moisture by taping a piece of clear plastic to the floor and let sit for a few hours. If you see moisture on the plastic, continue to let dry and perform the test until no moisture is present.5) prime the floor with a 2 part epoxy primer.6) let dry overnight 7) paint with either a 2 component water based epoxy or a 2 component urethane. let dry for a week before running forklifts on it, 24 hours for foot traffic.Again this is the proper way but we all know everyone won't do it 100%. I recommend PPG/Porter products. Expensive but when painting a floor you don't want to cheap out.