Author Topic: any quitting smoking tips?  (Read 11160 times)

Offline Sbrem

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Re: any quitting smoking tips?
« Reply #30 on: May 21, 2012, 10:54:49 AM »
my father in law smoked for 52 years...i HATE smoke....nasty I told him if he wanted us to come over ( we moved back to the area ) then he would have to wife sent him to a hypnotist...he has not smoked in 7 yrs....


I was a 2 pack a day smoker, Marlboro, and I also used Hypnosis. Went from 40 a day to 0 in 18 days. Not a single twinge since, and that was 1981. I can hold one in my hand, and nothing, no urge. BTW, all hypnosis is self hypnosis. It's your mind, the hypnotist just kind of guides you. If you fight it, you win, if you don't fight it, you win, get it? And remember, there is absolutely no reason whatsoever to smoke tobacco, other than your addiction to nicotine. For me, it's just like I never smoked at all, that 18 years of smoking (12 - 30) just disappeared from my mind, like grammar school; I did it at the time, but not now. JUST DO IT!


The stories from the guys who did it on there own is the same, they just changed their minds, and the mind is pretty powerful. They quit for the same reason that they don't do some other ridiculous thing, it makes no sense any longer.
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Offline Gilligan

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Re: any quitting smoking tips?
« Reply #31 on: May 21, 2012, 11:05:51 AM »
Steve is right... the mind is incredibly powerful.

There have been studies done where they tell (sick) people there is a "faith healer" praying over them behind a one way mirror.  Of course there is only one there for half of the people.  Yet the same percentage of people got better.

I'm not a religious person but if you believe it is working then it will work (to a degree).

Much of life is the same way, no matter if you believe you will fail or you believe you will succeed, you are right. ;)

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Re: any quitting smoking tips?
« Reply #32 on: May 21, 2012, 02:47:28 PM »
Steve is right... the mind is incredibly powerful.

There have been studies done where they tell (sick) people there is a "faith healer" praying over them behind a one way mirror.  Of course there is only one there for half of the people.  Yet the same percentage of people got better.

I'm not a religious person but if you believe it is working then it will work (to a degree).

Much of life is the same way, no matter if you believe you will fail or you believe you will succeed, you are right. ;)

By the way, I didn't have to avoid anything, none of the triggers. I still ate meals, had sex, went to parties and played in clubs. Zero attraction to it. You almost wonder why the hell you started, it's so stupid. Oh yeah, I looked so cool...

I made a mistake once; I thought I was wrong about something; I wasn't

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Re: any quitting smoking tips?
« Reply #33 on: May 21, 2012, 02:49:02 PM »
Oh yeah, I looked so cool

that explains the long hair and leopard spandex. ;)

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Re: any quitting smoking tips?
« Reply #34 on: May 21, 2012, 03:14:43 PM »
I quit smoking with Hypnosis. I was part of a barter group at the time and had a ton of barter. I was looking for something to spend it on. I figured I would try it. It was $250 it was a 2 session treatment. I went to the first session and they recorded the session. Then I lessened to it on repeat all night while I slept for the week. I went from a pack a day to about 2 a day that week. I felt like it wasn't working because I still needed to smoke. I went for the second session and told her I still had 2 a day and she said that was really good. The second session was the same after the next week of lessening to it all night on repeat I was done. This was over 7 years ago. I smoked for over 13 years and quite after 2 weeks. I have had friends try Hypnosis and it didn't work. I think the key is lessening to it all night on repeat. It was still a little hard to quite but I know the hypnosis helped. The hardest part is breaking the habits.  I liked taking a smoke break when I was working. If I was frustrated with a project I took a smoke break and when i came back my head was clear and I could keep working. You can do it. The first month is hardest.

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Re: any quitting smoking tips?
« Reply #35 on: May 21, 2012, 03:38:11 PM »
change the smoke break to a coffee break.  I have switched to decaf, I gave coffee up for a couple months an saw no change, but I figured why drink caffeine if I didn't need it?  Decaf has a little, I just really like the taste and smell of coffee in the AM.

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Re: any quitting smoking tips?
« Reply #36 on: May 21, 2012, 03:46:42 PM »
change the smoke break to a coffee break.  I have switched to decaf, I gave coffee up for a couple months an saw no change, but I figured why drink caffeine if I didn't need it?  Decaf has a little, I just really like the taste and smell of coffee in the AM.

It was over 7 years since I quit so I am good now.

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Re: any quitting smoking tips?
« Reply #37 on: May 21, 2012, 04:13:45 PM »
right, I was saying for other folks.  I know when something isn't going right I step away, have a drink or a small break and when I come beck it goes right together like it should. 

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Re: any quitting smoking tips?
« Reply #38 on: May 21, 2012, 06:44:21 PM »
That's the eureka theory. As soon as you stop thing about it, you will figure it out. I don't know how many times that worked for me. So many times I started relying on it.

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Re: any quitting smoking tips?
« Reply #39 on: May 21, 2012, 06:49:26 PM »
So, does anyone think this hypnotism stuff could help me with my laziness/procrastination?  I THINK I'm open to the idea of it... I won't lie, there is a part of me that says "but then I'll have to start doing stuff if I get fixed" LOL

How do you "vet" the hypnotist?

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Re: any quitting smoking tips?
« Reply #40 on: May 21, 2012, 07:52:44 PM »
I quit a 2 pack a day habit cold by just giving them up one at a time. Just say no to the next one and keep on saying it.

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Re: any quitting smoking tips?
« Reply #41 on: May 21, 2012, 08:21:46 PM »
I quit smoking with Hypnosis. I was part of a barter group at the time and had a ton of barter. I was looking for something to spend it on. I figured I would try it. It was $250 it was a 2 session treatment. I went to the first session and they recorded the session. Then I lessened to it on repeat all night while I slept for the week. I went from a pack a day to about 2 a day that week. I felt like it wasn't working because I still needed to smoke. I went for the second session and told her I still had 2 a day and she said that was really good. The second session was the same after the next week of lessening to it all night on repeat I was done. This was over 7 years ago. I smoked for over 13 years and quite after 2 weeks. I have had friends try Hypnosis and it didn't work. I think the key is lessening to it all night on repeat. It was still a little hard to quite but I know the hypnosis helped. The hardest part is breaking the habits.  I liked taking a smoke break when I was working. If I was frustrated with a project I took a smoke break and when i came back my head was clear and I could keep working. You can do it. The first month is hardest.

Just curious.

Did they ever show you the pictures of you waddling around like a duck with your hat on upside down?
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Re: any quitting smoking tips?
« Reply #42 on: May 21, 2012, 08:28:50 PM »
Did they ever show you the pictures of you waddling around like a duck with your hat on upside down?

Or acting like a chicken, scratching and clucking around the room with your hands folded under your armpits, elbows flapping like wings?
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Re: any quitting smoking tips?
« Reply #43 on: May 21, 2012, 09:06:53 PM »
I quit smoking with Hypnosis. I was part of a barter group at the time and had a ton of barter. I was looking for something to spend it on. I figured I would try it. It was $250 it was a 2 session treatment. I went to the first session and they recorded the session. Then I lessened to it on repeat all night while I slept for the week. I went from a pack a day to about 2 a day that week. I felt like it wasn't working because I still needed to smoke. I went for the second session and told her I still had 2 a day and she said that was really good. The second session was the same after the next week of lessening to it all night on repeat I was done. This was over 7 years ago. I smoked for over 13 years and quite after 2 weeks. I have had friends try Hypnosis and it didn't work. I think the key is lessening to it all night on repeat. It was still a little hard to quite but I know the hypnosis helped. The hardest part is breaking the habits.  I liked taking a smoke break when I was working. If I was frustrated with a project I took a smoke break and when i came back my head was clear and I could keep working. You can do it. The first month is hardest.

Just curious.

Did they ever show you the pictures of you waddling around like a duck with your hat on upside down?

I was never under that deep. They even told me that I was not going to be. I could have got up and left at any time.

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Re: any quitting smoking tips?
« Reply #44 on: May 21, 2012, 11:28:30 PM »
Aren't those post-hypnotic suggestions just fantastic?  Hmmmm?   ;)
Anything important is never left to the vote of the people. We only get to vote on some man; we never get to vote on what he is to do.  Will Rogers