Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. - Thomas Edison
my father in law smoked for 52 years...i HATE smoke....nasty nasty....so I told him if he wanted us to come over ( we moved back to the area ) then he would have to quit...my wife sent him to a hypnotist...he has not smoked in 7 yrs....sam
Steve is right... the mind is incredibly powerful.There have been studies done where they tell (sick) people there is a "faith healer" praying over them behind a one way mirror. Of course there is only one there for half of the people. Yet the same percentage of people got better.I'm not a religious person but if you believe it is working then it will work (to a degree).Much of life is the same way, no matter if you believe you will fail or you believe you will succeed, you are right. ;)
Oh yeah, I looked so cool
change the smoke break to a coffee break. I have switched to decaf, I gave coffee up for a couple months an saw no change, but I figured why drink caffeine if I didn't need it? Decaf has a little, I just really like the taste and smell of coffee in the AM.
I quit smoking with Hypnosis. I was part of a barter group at the time and had a ton of barter. I was looking for something to spend it on. I figured I would try it. It was $250 it was a 2 session treatment. I went to the first session and they recorded the session. Then I lessened to it on repeat all night while I slept for the week. I went from a pack a day to about 2 a day that week. I felt like it wasn't working because I still needed to smoke. I went for the second session and told her I still had 2 a day and she said that was really good. The second session was the same after the next week of lessening to it all night on repeat I was done. This was over 7 years ago. I smoked for over 13 years and quite after 2 weeks. I have had friends try Hypnosis and it didn't work. I think the key is lessening to it all night on repeat. It was still a little hard to quite but I know the hypnosis helped. The hardest part is breaking the habits. I liked taking a smoke break when I was working. If I was frustrated with a project I took a smoke break and when i came back my head was clear and I could keep working. You can do it. The first month is hardest.
Did they ever show you the pictures of you waddling around like a duck with your hat on upside down?
Quote from: Screened Gear on May 21, 2012, 03:14:43 PMI quit smoking with Hypnosis. I was part of a barter group at the time and had a ton of barter. I was looking for something to spend it on. I figured I would try it. It was $250 it was a 2 session treatment. I went to the first session and they recorded the session. Then I lessened to it on repeat all night while I slept for the week. I went from a pack a day to about 2 a day that week. I felt like it wasn't working because I still needed to smoke. I went for the second session and told her I still had 2 a day and she said that was really good. The second session was the same after the next week of lessening to it all night on repeat I was done. This was over 7 years ago. I smoked for over 13 years and quite after 2 weeks. I have had friends try Hypnosis and it didn't work. I think the key is lessening to it all night on repeat. It was still a little hard to quite but I know the hypnosis helped. The hardest part is breaking the habits. I liked taking a smoke break when I was working. If I was frustrated with a project I took a smoke break and when i came back my head was clear and I could keep working. You can do it. The first month is hardest.Just curious.Did they ever show you the pictures of you waddling around like a duck with your hat on upside down?