Author Topic: Upgrade to X5?  (Read 5922 times)

Offline Homer

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Upgrade to X5?
« on: May 14, 2011, 09:44:28 PM »
I've been working in X3 for a few years, thinking about X5, is it worth the jump or is it buggy? I was talking to a few guys when it first came out and there wasn't too much excitement about it, but I don't know.  I think it's pretty cheap now too. We just upgraded all the software in the entire shop to the latest and greatest - except for Corel, that's why I'm starting to wonder. 
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Offline Evo

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Re: Upgrade to X5?
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2011, 10:28:23 PM »
I've been working in X3 for a few years, thinking about X5, is it worth the jump or is it buggy? I was talking to a few guys when it first came out and there wasn't too much excitement about it, but I don't know.  I think it's pretty cheap now too. We just upgraded all the software in the entire shop to the latest and greatest - except for Corel, that's why I'm starting to wonder. 

I actually just started working in CD with X5 no too long ago. I never tried the other versions, so I have no basis for comparison. I really like it. So much so that I've shunned Adobe altogether.

There is a dud on eBay that sell full legit retail copies, not OEM not academic and not pirated for under $200.00
Comes with the hardcover book and everything.

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Offline Evo

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There is scarcely anything in the world that some man cannot make a little worse, and sell a little more cheaply. The person who buys on price alone is this man's lawful prey.
John Ruskin (1819 - 1900)

Offline virgil427

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Re: Upgrade to X5?
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2011, 08:45:06 AM »
I'm like evo went striaght to x5, I went to corel tried sample version and they start sending deals to you when I purchased they offered x5 suite,hard back book,x5 unleashed (highly recommend)swish max 3,videostudio pro x3,website creatorx5, and foxit reader,package deal 168.00 in the box so i always have my disks. They also offer an upgrade since you already have x3 but than you'll have to buy unleashed. hope this helps you out

Offline cyw

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Re: Upgrade to X5?
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2011, 01:23:56 PM »
Jason, X5 completely revamped their color management system.
Be prepared for color issues you've never experienced before.

While I totally understand why they needed to reconstruct the whole shebang, for those of us not dealing with offset printing everyday, it's been a real 'blast' trying to get settings back to where they used to be and what we were comfortable with.
Even though X5 comes with it's own Versaworks Palette, I still rarely use it for production.
Maybe one of these days I'll get comfortable and get it setup the way I want..............but it's not gonna' be today, or anytime in the near future.

Offline Homer

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Re: Upgrade to X5?
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2011, 03:18:40 PM »
damn, that's one of the main issues I have with X3 -colors suck, on screen I can get them to look great, go to print and they are terrible. I've played with every setting possible I always have to adjust things to look wrong, then have it set up to print.

What about the tools, are there any cool new features that make the upgrade worth while?

Thanks guys -J
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Offline virgil427

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Re: Upgrade to X5?
« Reply #6 on: May 15, 2011, 04:09:02 PM »
Homer theres 9 pages of new and enhandce options i was going to list them , to many to do here suggest a peek at their web site i know their listed there,there is a color management where you can synch displayed color with your medium i havent figured it out havent had to yet, try to get a version with unleashed included its worth watching and to keep for referance. I love draw very easy to navigate for me paint I'm not to impressed with my printer came with ps7 so i loaded it and fall back on it so i dont have transfer files to my old computer with cs3 I'm getting better with paint but not comfortable yet. Had to call corel for tech support , it was my computer not corel turned out, but they said I'm not the first to say they didn't care for paint and said to watch for upgrades. As i said earlier I got a package offer theres a ton of clipart and fonts that comes with it enhanced trace better curve manipulation supposed to be easier to personnalize, corel connect is really cool open it tell it your looking for lets say flames and it searches your whole computer for flames and displays them then you choose which you want tell it to open in either draw or paint, it only has adope support to cs4 5 came out after x5there are new drawing tools,macro manager ,curve tools and enhanced file format ,tooltips mesh fill , color palette manager. As i said check out the web site sign up they'll start sending you deals they knock alot off the quite often.

Offline cyw

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Re: Upgrade to X5?
« Reply #7 on: May 15, 2011, 07:01:25 PM »
Jason, there will probably never be an upgrade as HUGE as X3 was.
So many new (actually useable) tools and updates to some oldies but goodies, will be hard to replicate.

That being said, in all the years I've used Corel, I've never had any color management issues
Even without calibration, WYSIWYG.
I totally trust what's on my monitor to be replicated in print.
Even with the VERSACAMM......I've never had any color matching issues....except one, one time with a grey that tended to look a little green to me.
If I try to use X5 with my VC, I have all kinds of issues. First and foremost, I have to 'trust' what I have on screen.....even though it looks funky to me.
I can't work like that
I've spend some time fussing....and I almost might be there but not close enough to be sure

So......maybe you'll actually like the CM in X5
The old ones always worked for me but not for you
Maybe the new one will work for you cause it sure  didn't work for me.

Kinda' make sense, doesn't it?


Offline inkman996

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Re: Upgrade to X5?
« Reply #8 on: May 15, 2011, 07:28:32 PM »
One thing I dislike about X5 is the new export to Jpeg dialogue, it is wicked slow and cumbersome in fact if the file you are exporting is huge might as well forget using a jpeg. I also have the occasional issue with PDF exports, it seems to dislike power clips.
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Offline Homer

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Re: Upgrade to X5?
« Reply #9 on: May 16, 2011, 09:33:56 AM »
What color management settings are you guys using in your current program? I have it off and I am using pantone solid coated as my color palette, If I have a drop shadow in Black C , it looks fine, it may glow about 1/4" around the object. If I change it to process black from the cmyk color palette -it glows maybe 1/2" around the object - wtf? drives me nuts. I can not use corel to go straight to printing, black always comes out a flat muted greyish color. I was thinking maybe X5 could help me out with this.

I am going to go to the website and read up on it, I thought I would get a "go ahead and try it" or "stay the hell away" type answer. . should have known haha.

I always export to a jpg. . .that may be a deal breaker. . .sumbitch . .can't win. . .
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