screen printing > Separations

How to sep this for 2 color discharge

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Itsa Little CrOoked:
I'm Separation Challenged. I admit it.

I have to print this job by Friday closing, and it is barely the minimum piece order for 2 plates. What can I do to get a reasonable product?

I'm sleepy and 18 hours dull, and I can't figure which direction to head. (That, and I almost don't care, after the kind of week it's been already.)

They are dirty green, 100% cotton.


Edit: Using PhotoShop.

I don't think you can get away with 2 colors. 3 maybe. Hopefully one of the Sep gurus will chime in.

Stan, I'm not sure on the discharge part.  I know you have Ultraseps.  I ran your image through mine and with just a little curve tweaking, looks like you can probably come pretty close with just Brown and Black (after you merge the Gray into the Brown), on a brownish-green shirt.  Not sure about the "dirty green" color.  I used R107,G130,B98 for the background.

I think it could work in 2 colors. I'd prefer 3, but it could work.

1 dark chock brown ( that leans towards the yellow side of brow) and a white.

We do have a major difference in how we handle seps between a plastisol and a (all discharge) sep.
The end seps are very different. I would say that you could start out with a sep program, but then have to turn them inside out a few times. A 2 color job like this does not show that difference in an extreme degree, but if you have a 4 color or more, they all must interact differently than you would do for plastisol. A person must do this " different" part. You can' include a new button for that in a program. You have to "think".

ScreenXpresses example looks to be the results used for reg plastisol. Still needs torqued a little.

Correct Dan. BTW this would pop much better with a highlight white or lite tone in those bright areas.


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