Computers and Software > Computers and Software - General

Epson 3000 driver settings for film output


Meant to post this ages ago  ::)

Screens are from Epson's XP driver. ( is there a Win7 driver available? )

Yes, I left 'color' checked, doesn't matter, you should only be sending b&w data anyway.

You'll notice I have a 'film output' preset there,
after you set everything up, 'save as', and give it a name.

Stock ink and silkjet film make nice dark positives for me.
We expose on a metal halide Nuarc unit.

Anything looks out of place or you have a question reply here and I'll try and fix it up, or answer.
Jpeg is a bit blurry, but I think it's legible enough?

Anyhow, let me know.


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