Author Topic: Rollers vs Statics, an idea.  (Read 7401 times)

Offline JBLUE

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Re: Rollers vs Statics, an idea.
« Reply #30 on: September 30, 2012, 01:10:51 PM »
Yes we will be there. Staying at the hotel that is next to the hall.  Easier to stumble back to from the bars.

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid...... Ben Franklin

Offline Socalfmf

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Re: Rollers vs Statics, an idea.
« Reply #31 on: October 01, 2012, 06:59:30 AM »
ok I am going to try and sum this up as quick as i can..

#1. all screens loose mesh...however with roller frames anyone can control that lose of tension not so with statics.
#2. Roller frames are an asset...I know I can sell mine for at least what I bought them for vs. statics that are really not worth much except the scrap aluminum once used.
#3. if set up properly ( your system ) using roller frames are not hard to maintain...what I see a lot on here is peoples lack of system.  We have a system for everything...once you do that you can start nitpicking on all the small stuff in order to get your business making more and more money by not doing any more business and then allow your business to take on more business.
#4.  I have seen a lot of people double stroke, use revolver, flash between each color because they do not have proper screens...but like Jay said that also goes with proper speed and pressure so it is not only screens it is again the SYSTEM.
#5.  yeah you can print faster with tighter screens
#6.  Jay I am going to kick you in the balls...yes set ups are faster...example is me...dts, tri loc, no regi marks and we are setting up 1-3 jobs more per day now... we are able to take on more jobs and get them out faster which = more $$$$$$$$
#7.  roller frames last longer with proper care..again if your staff doesn't care why should you?

there you go...
