Heat Seal - Heat Press - Whatever you want to call it! > General Heat Seal

Looking for a digital contact thermometer

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i would agree but since it rolls through on the belt, i'm sure it would reflect changes in temp as it passes under the different elements.  again, it was just a thought

Nathan, this is for his heat press.

Any old probe and thermocouple (within the correct range) should do it. Probably ~$15 on Evilbay.

you just need a thermocouple and probe that you can place anywhere in a 15"x15" or 16"x20" platen area.
So, little short probes need not apply.
And I dare you to not think the obvious comeback to that!

Ahem, wouldn't this be one situation where a short probe would be beneficiary?

A long one might read across too far of a reach? I guess it depends on how the
coils run in the casting though.


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