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Looking for a digital contact thermometer

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Thinking I might be having a problem on a section of the heating element. Tried using the infared thermometer to check accuracy of the controls, but not even close. Any ideas where to get a contact thermometer? Thanks

I used to have a digital thermometer with a flexible probe that just looked like a braided wire, with a capped-off end. I could sandwich that in my press.

This ain't it but could work similarly. http://www.qvc.com/qic/qvcapp.aspx/view.2/app.detail/params.aol_refer.false.tpl.detail.msn_refer.false.item.K129183.ref.GBA?cm_ven=GOOGLEBASE&cm_cat=Cooking%20&cm_pla=Kitchen%20Tools&cm_ite=K129183-000-000&cookie=set

folks also use those paper tape sensors to find dead spots, but also, even if grossly inaccurate (which is partly due to the platen's teflon coating), your non-contact thermometer can still show you inconsistencies and possible dead zones.

Here, this one seems to have the type of probe and thermocouple I described. http://www.amazon.com/Cole-Parmer-Remote-Monitoring-Thermocouple-Thermometer-Deg/dp/B003NV2LU0/ref=pd_sbs_indust_2

And it's reasonably priced.

I know this is a lot higher end but I have seen quite a few people who use this probe.


The weighted end of this type is too thick to close in the press isn't it?


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