screen printing > Separations

How would you print this? Small text on left chest

<< < (2/2)

Hmm ok.  Thanks Colin.  I was afraid of that lol.  I may suggest simpler art.  There's similar text, large though, on the back that will have to be addressed with the back screens which are going cmyk so that'll be fun!

It's vector art, so not an issue with raster translation unfortunately.  No matter how I save the pdf though it's still over the size limit for upload which is weird.

At that size, they won't gain anything from the two colors,
in fact, it will look like anti-aliasing from a viewers perspective,
and will make it harder to read.
If they know better that you or I, lay down a darker grey ( outside line underfill ), flash,
then overprint the lighter grey on top.
( and squint, haha )

I did not know you could print a neon sign.


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