screen printing > Separations

How would you print this? Small text on left chest

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Left chest print on black tees.  Not a hard print, just occurred to me that people might print this different than I would and I wonder which way would produce the best results?

I think the lower smaller text will just be solid as there's no way to get any of the embossed effect at that size.  What about the larger text?  How would you guys print it?  One color or two?  This is something I'd probably normally print in single color with a couple hard strokes.  Would it work better with two colors, one grey and a lighter highlight grey?

Wow... umm, yea.  Definitely two screens.  Solid white as a base screen.  lighter grey for the shading on the top text, probably at 60 or 65 lpi in order to show how thin that gradation is... any lower and the dots will be too big for such a small area.

Also, I would personally put in more contrast (shadows a touch darker, the highlite a bit whiter) just to make the printing easier for you.  Otherwise it may just look like a blob.

my .02 cents.

For just a left chest i would advise them to just use a solid white or light grey. Sure a good printer can pull this off like Colin mentioned but will they pay for it?

Are you even positive that this is not supposed to be one solid color and merely lost (or gained) something in the Photoshop/jpg translation?

that is what I was thinking.


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