Author Topic: Corporate mind set  (Read 3619 times)

Offline Dottonedan

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Re: Corporate mind set
« Reply #15 on: March 16, 2012, 12:39:25 PM »
Why would they do that?
So you could better your business, get better and bigger, and after few months give them a 2 week notice because you will be making enough money with your printing business!!! She is protecting the company. If you asked that to a smaller company, you could probably be fired for it.
Your employer will invest in you, and with that they investing in the future of your employer. They will better you, and with that they bettering them.
When you bring another company in that equation, that does not work any more.

This is a "first thought" reactionary (and old school) answer. Many people/company's (deep in their hearts) think like this, but on the surface, in the public eye they show a nicer, more politically correct side of the company. Look at it like (back in the day) when parents could spank their child, you might be out with Dad at the store and (to keep the appearance of a decent non violent loving father) he might not turn you over his knee (out in public) when you do something bad. That was more so, to keep frmo getting the evil eyes' from surrounding people who don't believe in that. Once you get home, WHACK!  It's the same thing with big corporations. They have many fluffy motto's and creeds yet never living up to them ever in real life. At the company where I last worked, we had an acronym called RAVE.  Respect, Appreciate, and Value Everyone.   Yea.  LOL.  So anyways,

The general mind set of the company is to be loving, friendly compassionate and the ultimate goal (as human beings) running a company is more about the people first and their betterment of their lives. Some even have programs for schooling where they will pay for you to be trained in another field. The idea is that you will be learning for them, but you could later, go work for a competitor for better money. Usually in case like that, they have stipulations where you must first work a specific number of years before you are free to work elsewhere. the Company is a superficial yet needed thing. People are "supposed to be" priority #1 and in a perfect world, (WE, the people.employees) would then obviously be more dedicated to the company (during the time we work there). In theory, if they help us on our path to self betterment, we would out of loyalty and relationships, be able to work (with them) in our new roles outside that company. In other words we would be great printers for that company and maybe even offer them a "good friend" discount and have a great business relationship on down the road form here on out.

Sounds like a perfect world right?  Well, this is what the company's want the outside to think when they here about such things...yet on the inside of the company, it IS a different World.

When working for smaller company's. people do occasionally get fired for not having the company they currently work for (as being first in their hearts and future). Those company's that fire someone for that, can be looked at as a bad company to work for by those who hear of the story later. Trust me, that story gets around.

It's the American drem really. Working at the bottom and working your way up to a better life.  Should WE, only stay at YOUR company and never grow beyond that? Not every company can continue to offer a superstar all more and more money each raise schedule. Once they have learned everything they can, do all they can (at your place), they want to move on up to ACME Screen Printing who has 400 employees and can offer benefits.  Maybe one day, they can own and run their on print shop. They may be bigger and better than you...and all you wanted them to do is stay at your place and work for you under your thumb at 14.50 per hr and no benefits?  Thats not the American Dream

Artist & high end separator, Owner of The Vinyl Hub, Owner of Dot-Tone-Designs, Past M&R Digital tech installer for I-Image machines. Over 35 yrs in the apparel industry. e-mail

Offline Denis Kolar

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Re: Corporate mind set
« Reply #16 on: March 16, 2012, 01:01:59 PM »
Dan, you are right. They can have whatever they want written in their policies, but the reality is bit different.
At my place, they are cool with me doing what I do, as long as I do not touch anything that is connected with flexo printing. Or until it starts deteriorating my performance at work. If anything from that happens, I do not think that they would have any issues with letting me go.
In next few weeks they are sending me for CMYK training in North Carolina for 3-4 days (CMYK for Flexo), with that they will be improving their company. I do not think that they are doing that because of DKgrafix Limited :)
They really do not have any issues with me printing or doing a web design, I had few orders through my supervisor, I did web site for my plant manager's brother (twice), but like I said, as soon my full time gig starts to suffer, I'm gone.