Classified Ads > Wanted

Need couple sof 13x19 sheets of waterproof inject positive film in virginia.

(1/2) > >>

I just ordered a 100' roll from Fixxons only to realize shipping time is a week to Virginia. I just need a sheet or two to do a Jon I got today. Can anyone help me out or point me in the right direction.  All I can find is packs of 25 or more and the price is ridiculous (thus the reason I ordered a roll to cut myself).

Any help would be appreciated and I would be willing to pay a reasonable amount to cover the film and shipping to get it here before the weekend.

WTF..... OK, Virginia not vagina.  Double take :o

i could ship you a few sheets no charge. shoot me your address if you still have a need and i will ups them to you wednesday and you will get them thursday or friday

Hey I appreciate the responses. I just sucked it up and printed to tracing paper. Not optimal but it worked.  I really wish there was a screen printing supplier in my neck of the woods. 

Shawn (EIP):

--- Quote from: Hegemone on March 15, 2012, 02:43:09 PM ---Hey I appreciate the responses. I just sucked it up and printed to tracing paper. Not optimal but it worked.  I really wish there was a screen printing supplier in my neck of the woods.

--- End quote ---

Staples has velum back in the fancy paper section page size though. One of the few postives to having other printers near by or in my case down the street there's someone to borrow or buy stuff from. 


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