screen printing > Waterbase and Discharge
Screen not reclaiming
hi guys and gals,
i have been playing around with WB and Discharge printing for a couple of months. On short runs, i'm good. on longer runs, i have had the screen break down a couple of times. it was suggested that i use a screen hardner (SaatiChem FIXER 9). well, i did and now i cant reclaim the screens! wtf! I knew it would be harder but this is dang permanent.
i tried several things but the last thing was i soaked it in a dip tank for 2 hours today and hit it with a 2000psi pressure washer. the damn water bounced right off and had no effect on the emulsion! nothing seems to break this stuff down.
anyone have any tips on reclaiming these screens?
Also, what do y'all do for longer runs? i'd love to know what to do instead of screen hardner. this is crazy.
thanks in advance.
What does Saati say?
I'm not familiar with their hardener(s) but some companies have different hardeners with different degrees of longevity, some being billed outright as non-reclaimable.
As Frog said some hardeners make a non-reclaimable. They do make reclaimable hardeners, and stripping solution that goes with it.
What emulsion are you using? To offer a little (very little) help on the second part of your post;
Alan at Mirakami advised me on my small runs using their Aquasol HV Photopolymer, first try post exposure (this is only supposed to work on photopolymer emulsions).
Next step up was adding Diazo, next was a wipe on reclaimable hardener.
yep those screens are andy suggested. a good photopolymer with diazo will work fine. try the sericol dirasol 916. or the old school ulano 925wr. tony is really the expert here and maybe he will chime in..
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