Author Topic: Selfish people, I don't get it.  (Read 3897 times)

Offline Gilligan

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Selfish people, I don't get it.
« on: March 11, 2012, 10:17:56 PM »
So, I have this friend... best man at my wedding, bought property next to each other... granted, we've slowly drifted apart as time has passed.

He's done some f'd up things to his gf, like openly flirt with other girls to the point that they show up at his gigs (he runs sound) just to hang out with him till she put a stop to it (good for her).  Talked about her weight and such (granted, she's putting a few on).

Anyway, I go buy to get some stuff out of his garage he was holding for me and I start talking to him about his GSX-R 750 and when was the last time he rode it, what he paid for it blah blah blah.  I follow that up with "So what are you going to sell it to me for?"  He says 3k.  I said MAN!  I leave his house telling him I will probably buy.  He says well, you know where it is, it's not going anywhere, I offered to one other person and he didn't bite.  As I'm leaving I say, you know what... I can't do it.  I know I can afford it but I need to stay on target with my priorities and pay off some debt first.

Then I call him before I even hit the end of his road and tell him I'm gonna sell one of my other bikes to buy his.  He says "you want it bad huh?!"  I say, "you know my first love is the gixxer and I know how this one was treated and it's a killer price" (3k is less than TRADE-IN!)

So I talk to another buddy and he decides to buy my SV-650s.  I text my buddy and say, my bike is sold, I should have money by feb 10th.  Well, it took a little work to get my bike back up in tip top shape (I had let the tank rust and that same buddy that is buying it was helping me fix it).  Then I went on my cruise, realized I lost the title... had to file for a duplicate.

Long story short (TOO LATE!), I do the deed today and sell my buddy my bike.  I text my friend with the gixxer to let him know that I should have all of his money in a couple of days (I sold my SV for $2500)... He text me back "I traded that thing a month ago for 3k, you said by the 10th"

Yeah, you also said it wasn't going anywhere and I told you that I was DEFINITELY buying your bike... the least you could have done was called me.  You knew I could get you the money if you needed it and that I was only selling my bike for it to make sense.  I didn't really need 4 bikes and needed to focus my money elsewhere besides another toy.

I'm so f'ing p!ssed right now!

My buddy bought my bike for $500 less than what I was going to sell it for because he's a friend and I gave him first shot at the bike for that same reason.  I would never trade or sell something for so cheap without first letting a friend have a shot at it first.  I always wish people would call me before they trade in a car for as little as they do sometimes because the stealership is just doing what they do best and I want that sort of deal!

Whatever... done is done... I just don't get how someone could not think about someone else when they KNOW how much they wanted it.  It would have taken 10 seconds to call me and say "hey, if you want that bike, I need the cash ASAP" and I would have been like "where can I meet you?"  He KNOWS this.. he knows I'm not a broke d!ck MF'er... He just needed to make the deal and did, regardless of who it affected... GRRR.

Ok, done venting!

Offline Frog

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Re: Selfish people, I don't get it.
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2012, 11:11:16 PM »
First off, Gilly, I/m glad that we're able to provide you a place to get this misery and anger off of your chest.

I have a once a year client who did a similar thing to me some years back, who to this day doesn't relate to9 the pain she caused.

I have always been a sucker for certain odd, orphan type cars, especially those with potential interest and/or utilitarian value definitely outweighing any reputation of lemonhood.
I felt that the Subaru SVX was such a car, Subaru's '90's attempt at a high end sports sedan, with its knock being a transmission that seemed to fail, around 50,000 miles.
Point is, she was looking to get a Lexus, and was unhappy with the measly $2800 trade-in offer on her SVX, with, get this, a recently rebuilt transmission. She wanted $5000
My light went off, and I offered her $3000 if she couldn't do better. Long story short, next time I saw her, she was in her Lexus. "So", I ask her, "you found someone to pay $5000"?
No, I traded it in for the $2800. I didn't want to screw around!
That rug really tied the room together, did it not?

Offline Gilligan

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Re: Selfish people, I don't get it.
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2012, 11:23:37 PM »
Yeah, the guy I sold my bike to had a Miata (I own one as well)... he picked it up for a steal (like $800, it was worth like 3k) and decided he didn't want it anymore and offered it to me for $1200.

I said, no way dude... that car is worth more than that.... put it out on the market and get like 3 for it.... I can't in good conscious pay that little for it from you.

Next thing I know he sold it to another neighbor for $1200... COME ON MAN!  I'd have bought it if you REALLY weren't gonna do what you should have done.  So I miss the deal because I'm too nice.

Then that guy gets in a bind legally and needs some money.  I offer to buy the car from him for $1200 and he agrees.  I say, I'll be back in the AM with the cash.  As I walk off I see him talking to his nieces boy friend about it and I knew something was up.

I showed up the next morning with cash in hand and he says that he's selling it to the other dude because he will sell it back when he gets back on his feet.  LOL  Yeah right... that dude will be long gone because that b!tch never keeps boy friends that long... and he'll never be back on his feet anyway.  I tell him how f'd up it is.

Then I find out he hasn't done the paper work with the first guy yet and they are gonna just go straight from my buddy to the kid.  I tell my buddy what happens and tell him to sell me the car direct and take the cash back to the other guy and tell him the original deal is off.

He won't do it.  BS I tell you!

Offline Shawn (EIP)

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Re: Selfish people, I don't get it.
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2012, 11:52:00 PM »
Won an Ebay bid for an Antec 6/4 once , went to go pick it up in Ohio and my Jeep breaks down shorty down the highway. I called the guy and said I'd have to try again another day, "no problem" he said . Called him 2 days later and told him my Jeep was fixed I'll leave in the morning  he said " oh yeah, well it's sold", I shot back with " you sold it? I won the bid!".

Offline inkbrigade

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Re: Selfish people, I don't get it.
« Reply #4 on: March 12, 2012, 12:14:42 AM »
Sucks man.. my best friend did this with a guitar. I told him i wanted it, my wife told him no. Whatever she's not the boss when it comes to buying guitars.. anyways I called him up to go pick it up and he had sold it.

Guess it's not as bad as your story but i'm still bummed i don't have that guitar.
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Offline Gilligan

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Re: Selfish people, I don't get it.
« Reply #5 on: March 12, 2012, 12:31:07 AM »
Speaking of guitars.

My buddy had a $1200 Taylor and he pawns it... I'm like "what?! are you stupid?" we go get it and I basically become his pawn broker so there is no chance of losing it... I even let him come over and play it when he wants... MF'er STILL takes it back to his house when I wasn't around.  I show up and he's playing it and just grinning.  *sigh*

He finally pays me back and gets the guitar back.  Later his brother pawns it (now, they are pawning this thing for like $120 bucks!)... I'm like, dude... go get that d@mn thing and let me loan you the money again... woops, lost the ticket.  Well, he can still go get it!  Drags his feet and it's lost.

Over $120 bucks... what a bunch of schmucks!

Needless to say the next time he got all bent out of shape over something stupid with me (a girl), I just let the friendship laps and moved on.  25 years we were friend... but at the age of 30 when you are still acting the way he was there is really nothing smart left of the relationship.

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Re: Selfish people, I don't get it.
« Reply #6 on: March 12, 2012, 12:54:31 AM »
I have a friend that was in need of some money and had a Yamaha R1 and said he sell it to me on payments for a few grand. So I start sending him money for a few months, buy my helmet,boots,jacket etc and then he has a change of heart and sends most of my money back. Still owes me a couple hundred. I have sold the helmet at a loss but still have the jacket,boots,jeans,gloves.oh well Maybe one day I'll get one.

Offline sweetts

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Re: Selfish people, I don't get it.
« Reply #7 on: March 12, 2012, 08:29:40 AM »
A family member needed a car I pick up a neon with 30k and a leaking oil pressure sensor for $600.00 I have a Guy who offered me $2000.0 for it. I give it to my sister for next to nothing I let her make payments yada yada she has no money. Months later I go see her she has a new 4x4 I am like where's the car she says well I got it for such a good deal I figured I would trade it in and put it on something bigger. She got 1500 for it.

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Offline Gilligan

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Re: Selfish people, I don't get it.
« Reply #8 on: March 12, 2012, 09:53:23 AM »
A family member needed a car I pick up a neon with 30k and a leaking oil pressure sensor for $600.00 I have a Guy who offered me $2000.0 for it. I give it to my sister for next to nothing I let her make payments yada yada she has no money. Months later I go see her she has a new 4x4 I am like where's the car she says well I got it for such a good deal I figured I would trade it in and put it on something bigger. She got 1500 for it.

Sent  from samsung gem(the worst smart phone ever)

Wow... that's messed up.

I BOUGHT my wife's Nissan Quest for a song at a friend of the family's place.  20k for a 2009 SE, blue book was 26k... he bought it off his mom when she was in need of cash and was just getting what he had in it out of it.

I didn't WANT a van, but I couldn't pass up the deal... My thoughts were, even if I hate it I can sell it and make money... but I'd feel terrible doing so.... and I really don't even KNOW the guy that sold it to me.  I just don't think it's right to take "advantage" of ones kindness like that.

Offline Gilligan

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Re: Selfish people, I don't get it.
« Reply #9 on: March 12, 2012, 10:11:25 AM »
Another friend hard up motorcycle story.

Friend of mine who is ridiculously talented and intelligent somehow manages to not be able to handle money (and he's lazy).  He gets in a bike accident gets a couple hundred grand and blows it all over the next couple of years not buying a house or anything practical.

Now's he's hard up for cash again.  He has an old 82 CR250 that he loves but just sits around.  I ask him how much he wants and he wants like 2k or something stupid.  I said, oh, I was thinking 500.  He said no.

I then said, hey look...  how about I let you borrow $500 and I'll take the dirt bike and play with it and when you are ready you can just buy it back at $500 again.

He agrees.

Then the second time I take it out to go ride it (mind you I'm rather timid on a dirt bike vs street bike) it starts making a noise that I had heard before.  2nd gear had broken.  This is just riding behind my house in some fields, no jumps or anything huge.

So I call him up to let him know and he flips out on me and how *I* broke it.  I was like, dude, I've had the bike a week and rode it twice!  "well, it was fine before I gave it to you and now all of a sudden it's broken?!"  "yeah, it's a 25 year old bike... things break sometimes!"   He brings up how I have "experience" breaking gears because I had 1st gear break on my 87 gixxer back in the day.

I'm like are you serious?  He's dead serious.

Now, I still have the bike and we don't talk anymore.  I did pick up a tranny on ebay for like $40 bucks and have yet to put it in there.

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Re: Selfish people, I don't get it.
« Reply #10 on: March 12, 2012, 10:38:52 AM »
First off, Gilly, I/m glad that we're able to provide you a place to get this misery and anger off of your chest.

I have a once a year client who did a similar thing to me some years back, who to this day doesn't relate to9 the pain she caused.

I have always been a sucker for certain odd, orphan type cars, especially those with potential interest and/or utilitarian value definitely outweighing any reputation of lemonhood.
I felt that the Subaru SVX was such a car, Subaru's '90's attempt at a high end sports sedan, with its knock being a transmission that seemed to fail, around 50,000 miles.
Point is, she was looking to get a Lexus, and was unhappy with the measly $2800 trade-in offer on her SVX, with, get this, a recently rebuilt transmission. She wanted $5000
My light went off, and I offered her $3000 if she couldn't do better. Long story short, next time I saw her, she was in her Lexus. "So", I ask her, "you found someone to pay $5000"?
No, I traded it in for the $2800. I didn't want to screw around!

lol no big loss there!  ;D

Offline Shawn (EIP)

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Re: Selfish people, I don't get it.
« Reply #11 on: March 12, 2012, 10:47:54 AM »
Sucks man.. my best friend did this with a guitar. I told him i wanted it, my wife told him no. Whatever she's not the boss when it comes to buying guitars.. anyways I called him up to go pick it up and he had sold it.

Guess it's not as bad as your story but i'm still bummed i don't have that guitar.

My lady tries to pull that crap too when it comes to drums or anything new I want in the shop. We'll...what she doesn't know wont piss her off.

Offline Gilligan

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Re: Selfish people, I don't get it.
« Reply #12 on: March 12, 2012, 11:13:55 AM »
LOL... I'm lucky in that I never really spend money on much so when I do she don't say anything.

Hell, I even "checked with her" on a pair of $35 shoes and I NEEDED some shoes.  But then when she spends money, I can say "I even asked you if I could buy shoes!"  :)

I do drop random coin on the business and she acts like I'm spending money, but when I buy HER a $1k sandblasting cabinet I can't take credit for that because "it's for the business". LOL

Offline ebscreen

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Re: Selfish people, I don't get it.
« Reply #13 on: March 12, 2012, 02:34:22 PM »

No business with family or friends? Check.

Offline Shawn (EIP)

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Re: Selfish people, I don't get it.
« Reply #14 on: March 12, 2012, 03:28:32 PM »
LOL... I'm lucky in that I never really spend money on much so when I do she don't say anything.

Hell, I even "checked with her" on a pair of $35 shoes and I NEEDED some shoes.  But then when she spends money, I can say "I even asked you if I could buy shoes!"  :)

I do drop random coin on the business and she acts like I'm spending money, but when I buy HER a $1k sandblasting cabinet I can't take credit for that because "it's for the business". LOL

My buddies tell me I need to turn the tables and start wearing the pants in my relationship, which is probably the truth but easy for them to say lol. Women are a PITA at times, ok... all of the time.