Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. - Thomas Edison
Well, mines dead now, but web I installed CS5 in my PC, we had the option of running it in 32 or 64. Since Puerre loaded it, I don't remember what we loaded. I think it was 64. One thing I had not seen posted yet, is that you will need to "assign a %" of your ram to Illustrator so it knows how much to work with. It will assign an amount by default but I ran Illy and Photoshop CS5 on 8 GB. Also, what do you guys do with your computer that you might need 24gigs of ram?Artist who are creation and rendering image files for animation could use something like that, but I can't imagine Photoshop needing more than 8 or 10 but I'm not real familiar with ram and PC. I know a pC uses probably 20% more ram to do the same thing in a Mac. Just stating differences here. Still, 25gigs? Shazam!
ram is cheap, unless you buy the good stuff. I had problems with the cheap stuff failing.hard disks used to be cheap. I can't even get them from my normal place right now.I try to by gaming components or higher end when I am repairing systems around here. I also recycle a lot when I kill a system and replace it. Those parts get redistributed if they are better than what is in another system.
Has anyone really tried solid state drives yet? They are damn expensive still but seems like a good option in the future.
200.00 of ram or 30-50 gigs of ram, something is either cheap or not fast enough. LOL. Like MK2 said, Fonts or too many of them open can cause problems. Having a stock pile of ram can't be the answer. I'm betting that The processor has much yo do with all this. For example, you may think that having the biggest ad the most will or should enable you to handle having 30 programs open at a time. Pro's might tell you that this thought is inaccurate. I don't know. Just makes sense to me. Overload. Check font usage,Check HD to see if it needs defragged.Check to make sure the file you are wirking on is actually residing on the biggest and fastest HD. Externals and networks are not safe to work from.I must have forgot that its only Photoshop to where you can allocate more ram but seems like you can do that to all programs on a PC if I remember. Must not be. I'm not in front of a computer at the moment.
200.00 of ram or 30-50 gigs of ram, something is either cheap or not fast enough. LOL.
Like MK2 said, Fonts or too many of them open can cause problems. Having a stock pile of ram can't be the answer. I'm betting that The processor has much yo do with all this. For example, you may think that having the biggest ad the most will or should enable you to handle having 30 programs open at a time. Pro's might tell you that this thought is inaccurate. I don't know. Just makes sense to me. Overload. Check font usage,Check HD to see if it needs defragged.Check to make sure the file you are wirking on is actually residing on the biggest and fastest HD. Externals and networks are not safe to work from.
I must have forgot that its only Photoshop to where you can allocate more ram but seems like you can do that to all programs on a PC if I remember. Must not be. I'm not in front of a computer at the moment.
From what I remember about cores and who uses them..you can have all you want but unless you specify who uses what, those extra cores may never get used as the others are being fought over.
@Brandt, Yes, we need to move the files and scratch to a faster HD but that's just not economical right now since HD prices are so retarded due to the flood. We are just hanging tight. When I bought this system for her before (the flood), she had two 750's in a raid 1 for her BS file storage and usage because she is so sloppy and won't keep her files on the server like she should. ;)Sold that system before it was even complete and then prices on HD's doubled. So she's stuck using an external for now.The thing is, it's not a performance issue... it's a complete glitch that doesn't let you do things.Example... she had my "new office" layout up (I'll attach it.) That file's art board is like 24x24'ish... not huge. All just some basic vector stuff with a few numbers (the dims... I added the letters in mspaint *rawr*). We were getting the errors just having that file open. PS, closed and all. Pathetic.Oh, one of the things that the glitch affected is when I said "make those temp walls red"... she did and it didn't show up. She was like "wtf?"... then all of a sudden "boop" the error showed up. It couldn't manage to "preview" the change in color on those few lines.