Author Topic: Workhorse Products Features Falcon Duplex for Oversize Printing  (Read 989 times)

Offline Deborah Sexton

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When oversize prints are in demand, Workhorse Products offers a press specifically designed to allow the every day printer to print oversize. The Falcon Duplex is a standard-area automatic screen printing press that can be configured to print 40-inch x 50-inch images on every other print station. For example, the Falcon Duplex 12-color can print 12 colors standard-size, or six jumbo size. The standard-image size is 20 by 28 inches.

The Falcon Duplex has fast set-up features such as fully adjustable screen holders that can work with any pin registration system, squeegee and flood bar pneumatic clamps, and tool-free print head adjustments.  This press is designed to maximize production on every job.

Falcon’s multi-stroke mode speeds production by applying multiple strokes on one print head while performing a single, slow-density stroke on another. The press also allows you to control the stroke initiation.

The Falcon comes standard with a servo indexer and A/C heads. It also has adjustable front and rear screen holders to maximize image to screen versatility and heavy-duty chopper cylinders to maximize pressure.

In addition to the 12- color standard/6 color jumbo combo, the Falcon Duplex also comes in 16-color standard/8-color jumbo and 20-color standard/10-color jumbo configurations.

Workhorse Products has distributors throughout the United States, Canada, Turkey, England, Belgium, Peru, Panama, Venezuela, Columbia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, and China. For more information or the distributor nearest you, visit the Web site at; e-mail to, or call (800) 778-8779 Option #1 sales, option #2 service; (602) 437-2305; (602) 437-2305.