screen printing > Tips and Tricks to Share (Please don't ask questions here)

poor man`s picture



here is a simple methode to produce pictures without a RIP. I use this at school.
I do not know if this is real professional. But it works for one-color prints.
I have no calibrations, I will do this during the summer.
Maybe it will help.

Good luck!

Burkhart, always looking for the right words

I thought that you were having problems posting your pdf. What changed?

Hello Andy

actally I really do not know what i have done.
The file comes correct. Maybe I hammerd too hastyl on the keyboards.
Local time is sturday evenig. Good music and tasty APFELWEIN!

Great weekend to you!


Nice car, I saw a bubble car rally at Southport last year, there were millions of them!

It's an old trick, but it works. You could convert the individual channels to halftones as well as the dither, at least in Photoshop, I don't use CD, so I can't speak for that...



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