I'm printing a few repeat jobs today,
and notice that sometime back, I had redone the base for both jobs.
I remembered this only because the new base was printed out on waterproof,
( we've gone back to plain old silkjet )
and the rest of the films were on non-waterproof.
I always expose the base first.
The exposure unit is cool, no chance of heat goofing things up, and I align everything
to that positive on press, base screen first during setup.
Set everything up...colors aren't registering bang on to the positive.
Hmm...too late now,
Couple test prints, tweaks, everything is decent enough, even if it is out a bit.
( this was p*ssin me off... )
Shirts all boxed and gone and whatnot, I take the positives over to the light table.
Damn waterproof film was 'twisting' the print on the 3000, not much, but enough.
I noticed it started messing with the feeder gears after a few boxes, so I quit using it.
Both guilty positives didn't 'twist' the same way either.
I don't recall any alignment problems when the entire job was on the same film.
This may all seem obvious, but I'm just relating, cause sometimes we miss something.
And perhaps some of the new folk don't actually know better.
( and where the hell else am I gonna talk shop? )

Got anything to add, please do.
I didn't actually see a film section ( rips maybe? )