Author Topic: Famous award winning Screen Printers  (Read 15997 times)

Offline tonypep

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Re: Famous award winning Screen Printers
« Reply #45 on: February 18, 2012, 09:58:08 AM »
Pierre since I no longer work for JSR I cannot speak on their behalf although I can say that they produce award winning products 18 hrs a day all year long.
They are among many companies such as New Buffalo who, to be honest, don't need the recognition. They are too busy doing what they are doing and often times don't consider that what they do each day is exceptional. On a side note we had a visit yesterday from our largest client whom I had not previously met. Totally by accident we realized that we had a mutual connection with Harlequin Nature Graphics. I started out with HNG as a night shift manager running eight presses and eventually developed into R&D. We reminisced about what an exceptional group of talented and creative people they were and what amazingly great products they produced in the very unlikely setting of a series of quonset huts in Fort Myers FLA. Many would keel over upon hearing how we did things back then but I suppose it is, as with many companies, it's often more about the people and their ability to work with what they are given than how technically up to date they may be. That may seem like a backwards statement but consider the often used automotive analogy. It's just as much about the driver as it is about the car.
That said I applaud all of you who continue to contribute to this most productive site. While we may most likely never agree about everything it's all good grist for the mill.
It's important to submit and compete for awards. I don't want in any way want to imply that this is not an insignificant endeavor. Conversely it can be critical for new companies who need recognition in order to stand out from the rest. Above all that I know, you Pierre, have proven the point.
best tp

Offline Screened Gear

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Re: Famous award winning Screen Printers
« Reply #46 on: February 18, 2012, 01:52:03 PM »
I think tony hit this one on the head. I think once you get to a certain level your work is award winning but the awards are not worth it anymore. I am not an advertising expert but I did do a lot of it in a past life. I have to say if advertising your shop as an award winning shop gets you more work than do it. The other side of that coin is people that went with you because you’re an award winning shop will expect that kind of work every time from you. It’s really a decision you have to make on how you advertise and who your real target market is. You can make just as much money doing crap work in this industry as doing the best work you can. It really depends the markets you work for and the way you get and keep your clients’. If you get your clients with award winning prints then you have to keep them by producing award (or close) winning jobs for them. If you get your clients based on a low ball price you need to keep your price low to keep that client. There is a small part of building a relationship that helps but clients found you because they thought you could satisfy a need they had. When you stop satisfying that need they will find another printer that will.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2012, 11:57:16 PM by Screened Gear »

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Re: Famous award winning Screen Printers
« Reply #47 on: February 18, 2012, 02:20:16 PM »
Well said Screened Gear and so true.
--Fluid Graphic Designs, Color Separations & Film Output 15+ years Industry Experience - CorelDRAW Master® 

Offline killergraphics

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Re: Famous award winning Screen Printers
« Reply #48 on: February 18, 2012, 09:10:09 PM »
Andy, you guys decide if you want to move this, leave it or delete it from here.

But with the interest this thread has...let's our own ability tell these young ones what is important to get there.

ie: the things one has to have to do very good work, what you did to make it to the next step and so on.

I feel that I am a strong 5 or 6 as far as the numbers are running and on a more modern press could move up a #.

After I closed my shops and moved to the farm...I a used market most of what I needed.

Quality graphic programs and a computer that would run them.

left the laser printers (which will do process work) and went to a wide format ink jet and rip (today there are work arounds to a rip)

a single point light source.

backlite washout...My dumb a$$ went 20 years without one. :o

and a press that would do the work and was in my price range at the time. I run a Brown 7/8 semi-auto. In my world I don't care about production #'s as I'm the only mule pullin the plow.

But the stronger a shop is in each of these areas the better the out come.

Is this even worth talking about and if so what did you do to go to the next level?

If you can't tell I like talking to the lurkers as much as the posters. 8)
« Last Edit: February 18, 2012, 09:14:53 PM by killergraphics »


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Re: Famous award winning Screen Printers
« Reply #49 on: February 19, 2012, 02:16:16 PM »
Well said Screened Gear and so true.
thank you so much screened gear for that post. YOU nailed it.
Specializing in shop assessment's, flow and efficiency

Offline hazeremover

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Re: Famous award winning Screen Printers
« Reply #50 on: February 22, 2012, 12:19:13 AM »
Interesting topic. I'm only familiar with some of output of the top printers mentioned so I can't comment 100%, plus most of the "meat" of this topic has been mentioned. I do agree that there are printers out there that do terrific sim pro, especially on darks, that don't bother to enter the contests. Kind of like with music. There are the national bands that get the awards and accolades but we all know of a local band that could wipe the floor with the popular bands yet don't bother with the recognition. They just maintain their consistent quality of music and remain regional for various reasons. Nothing sinister about it. NOT to take anything away from the shops that consistently excel at their craft and win the awards such as Anderson Studios, Mirror Image, Blue Moon. They deserve it!

Being in this business for so long, you get to see the ebb and flow and progression of our craft. New Buffalo dominated for a while there, then submerged. Liquid Blue takes the top spot then submerges. The next one appears, etc. New Buffalo evidently still produces top shelf prints (is Jon Weiss still running things there?). They all seem to be doing what they do best. An analogy comes to mind with the guys who restore muscle cars to extreme factory appearance (inspection marks, correct radiator cap, single stage paint runs, etc.) and go for the judged gold status. I know several. After winning the awards it gets a little boring so the Hemi Super Bee trailer queen days end and they begin to drive the snot out of it or sell them. Yet they still move on to another car to restore for the challenge of it and do a dazzling job of it but maybe don't enter the judged show again, or right away.

Having won a few gold, silver and bronze sqeegees a few years back, I never felt it was just one person who achieved it. I'd always say "we" won the
award. It's definitely a combination of the seps, screens, the ink mixer, printer - a group effort. But hec yeah, we all requested individual plaques though. 8) ;D