Author Topic: Shirts for setting up a job  (Read 4178 times)

Offline Frog

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Re: Shirts for setting up a job
« Reply #15 on: February 11, 2012, 12:09:51 PM »
We use pellon. If you are asking about how we set a job up. We first print our outline color with registration marks on a pellon, then we take a piece of film positive unprinted  spray a little adhesive on it and lay it on the pellon, no we can register all screens to this and test print on the film one color at a time, and you can wipe it off if you need to adjust your registration. We use that same piece of film for weeks. Then when we have it all ready to go we test on a reject shirt. Reduces the need to find a shirt to test on.

thats kinda cool, I once attended a seminar where they covered the pallet with box sealing tape, did all the test prints and then wiped it clean.  Pretty good idea, but what if your printing darks and need to flash the underbase?  Will that film positive not melt?

Doesn't matter if the color. like an underbase, is flashed during the run. With this set-up method, it's printed on the tape or transparency, and then wiped clean. This method just deals with one color at a time.
Then, an all color strike off with flashing on a test garment, tube, or pellon (if you have the heat resistant kind)
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Re: Shirts for setting up a job
« Reply #16 on: February 15, 2012, 03:28:24 PM »
Print a bunch of High School t's with class names on the back I'm sure you will come up with some test shirts :(
The names some kids have these days