screen printing > Waterbase and Discharge

CCI Discharge White Sample...

(1/4) > >>

First sample.  Aubergine Gildan 5000, Single stroke, no flash, 110 mesh, after first wash.

That looks really good. 

Is it soft hand?  My experience with Union Plasticharge is has to be washed before it gets soft.

same, it must be washed, btw, this photo is after 1st wash.

ah, my bad.  You said that in the post.

110 mesh?  Union rep told me -

"Mesh between 156 and 180 - too low of a mesh will be too much ink content and will not let the oxidizing process complete properly leaving the print muted and not bright". 

May not apply for CCI.

CCI White is AWESOME! So easy to print as well.


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