Hi Everyone,
Since this is a new forum, I will introduce myself again.
I am 26 years old and have co-owned (with a guy named Peter) BreakOut Creative Company (
www.BreakOut.CO) for about 5 or so years. We are located in San Diego, California. I started in my parent's garage, and within a year or two, we moved to a 1000 sq ft building. We out grew that in about a year and moved to where we are now in a 3300 sq ft building. We do tons of embroidery and screen printing and have recently hired a graphic designer. We have about 4-5 employees depending on our work schedule. I learned screen printing from YOU guys. Most of my screen printing education was from the internet and videos. We have one auto press (Anatol Horizon) and 1 manual. (Workhorse)
We are currently working to maximize our features of our T Studio, which you can find on our site or at TStudio.CO. We're also working on new marketing and advertising ideas and hope to grow!
I think that's probably the information you are most likely interested in.

Oh, and I got married last October. Haha.