Author Topic: A word about art critiquing.  (Read 3117 times)

Offline Dottonedan

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A word about art critiquing.
« on: February 04, 2012, 03:08:36 PM »
One thing about posting up art that we artist have done, is that some of the other "artist" do seem to take it upon themselves to be the "art police" and point out everything that THEY feel is not correct. In general, this is to be considered "critiquing" and is a very good thing for artist to hear. Some do this very well and it exactly what we want.  We artist dolove feedback, especially when it's good feedback. Me, I want to hear what is wrong, but I do'nt want to be shoved in the mud when you do it. Some artist can be caught really going overboard on the "critiquing" and turning a critique into a complaint or even a bash. WHY? This might be to help self promote themselves above the poster or may just be a lack of social skills or politeness or both.  I wanna say, that feedback is great. Even feedback that is not positive is educational and welcome. It can and should be said in a respectful and polite manor. Some find it very hard to have some tact in how they say things. For those of you tha know you are prone to taking a jab at someone, all you really have to do, is FEEL what the other person my feel about what you are going to say. Basically, all you have to do is CARE.

Let me point out, that just because YOU feel it's not correct, doesn't make it a bad job or less of a quality job and does not raise you up in any way when you speak out in an offensive manor. Artist seem to be more sensitive than most, or are they?

Lets look at printers. Printers post up a print job they just did and you all have great conversations about it. You can offer suggestions and say how you would do it and all is taken in as good advice. WHY can't we artist get along like that?  I don't remember one post in the WHAT HAVE YOU PRINTED LATELY thread that shows a printer being negative towards another printer.

We all can be guilty of miss interpreting what others say.
 I am guilty of miss reading things or hearing something out of context ALL THE TIME and I have to police myself before I speak. Some times, I can get offended easily, apparently depending on the subject. I know, because other times, people can say something about me or my work and it rolls right off my back and I don't even remember it later. Some people are more prone to offending people by HOW they say things than others. So one might say the same thing as another person but you get offended by the way one of them said it. I don't think that FROG will be bothered by my saying this as he is sure to understand. He and I (or more so me) didn't mesh well at first because I was on guard with him. I always felt a bit like he was out to get me. WHY?  I don't know. I think it's the way he says things some times. He's really a great guy. He does say things that sort of CUT at times but it's not like it's not true of what he's saying. LOL. Ya know, "Truth hurts".

Some, artist have called someone elses CRAP or worse. It's happened to me and I didn't want to address it (like this at that time) as it seems self serving. (Frog, how do you spell elses?) It's funny how we artist can beat each other up but don't want beat up ourselves and cry foul when it happens. LOL. (if you put LOL at the end) it makes everything ok.

I have to say as an artist, if you post it, expect the possibility that  at least 1 out of 10 will piss on it. (from the artist side of the world)  or even from people who just don't like you. We need to learn  to take it on the chin for even art that is without sin shall be cast out into a wicked and perverse nation. ;) Thuth say'th me.

I live for the day here that artist will put aside the sensitivity and get along, help and build each other up. I wanted this palce to be THE place for screen print artist to get together, post up works in progress, show off skills, do step by steps tutorials and become that place that TSPMB started to be. I don't see it happening. We artist won't let it happen naturally. If it does, it is because of a ton of work on the admins side for development and not by osmosis. A few seem to want to pick and dig at each other. Can we ever get past that?  I don't know. it seems to be some bad mojo with some artist.
Artist & high end separator, Owner of The Vinyl Hub, Owner of Dot-Tone-Designs, Past M&R Digital tech installer for I-Image machines. Over 35 yrs in the apparel industry. e-mail

Offline Fluid

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Re: A word about art critiquing.
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2012, 03:31:53 PM »
Ahhh the good old days of TSPMB. Never gonna get that back. Possible yet the brotherhood of artists and those upcoming artists back then was a good group. With the demise of that forum, everyone seemed to scramble elsewhere and then facebook came along and we rarely see anyone accept via a status feed.

I miss those days too, Dan. Some great times were had, lots of memories and learned quite a lot, yet like you said, someone always has to chime in with what "they" feel is correct or what have you thus destroys the true meaning of Constructive Criticism.  Or just simply has to change the tread to something else.

you guys have a good site here and it will come in time.   
--Fluid Graphic Designs, Color Separations & Film Output 15+ years Industry Experience - CorelDRAW Master® 

Offline Frog

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Re: A word about art critiquing.
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2012, 04:33:26 PM »
I believe that manners and good sense would keep the critiquing of posted art to a minimum unless asked for.
Kinda like telling someone just what you think of their wife, or date, when not asked to. Inappropriate.

How about two sections.

1. Art I have done, what do you think?

2. Art I have done, keep your opinions to yourself.

That rug really tied the room together, did it not?

Offline Fluid

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Re: A word about art critiquing.
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2012, 05:05:59 PM »
If you did two sections I would suggest maybe a WIP - work in progress where suggestions and such would be warranted and a plain art for finished art just for posting for others to see. My thinking is if a job is done and posted there honestly isn't in most cases a need for this would be better, etc. as most jobs are rarely ever revisited.

If you post in the WIP it is open to suggestions, comments, etc. 
Posted is Completed art or General Art it is assumed the job is done and just showing it off type of deal.

Just a thought. 
--Fluid Graphic Designs, Color Separations & Film Output 15+ years Industry Experience - CorelDRAW Master® 

Offline Dottonedan

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Re: A word about art critiquing.
« Reply #4 on: February 04, 2012, 06:38:29 PM »
We pretty much have that one, but nobody really follows the idea.  Guess we need to sell it more.

See attached.
Artist & high end separator, Owner of The Vinyl Hub, Owner of Dot-Tone-Designs, Past M&R Digital tech installer for I-Image machines. Over 35 yrs in the apparel industry. e-mail

Offline Fluid

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Re: A word about art critiquing.
« Reply #5 on: February 04, 2012, 06:55:09 PM »
change the descriptions to denote crits welcome and crits not LOL.  I thought it was this way but I usually just hit the show unread posts
--Fluid Graphic Designs, Color Separations & Film Output 15+ years Industry Experience - CorelDRAW Master® 

Offline Command-Z

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Re: A word about art critiquing.
« Reply #6 on: February 04, 2012, 07:40:17 PM »
A lot of artists when posting their work on other forums often say something like "comments and crits welcome."

Most of us who have had some schooling are used to critique, since it was part of the education... it might be a little strange to the self-taught.

It's part of the job for the commercial artist. The skin gets thick real quick, or else you won't last long in this biz.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2012, 07:42:53 PM by Command-Z »
Design, Illustration and Color Separation for the Imprinted Apparel Industry for over 20 years.
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Re: A word about art critiquing.
« Reply #7 on: February 04, 2012, 07:54:25 PM »
ehh, nobody should get sensitive about anything they post on a public forum full of talented people in their industry.  In fact, why else post here unless you wanted that critique?  Also, I think we most/all run good shops here and if it went out the door somebody was happy with them so it's not like anyone could really take too much offense right?  I sure wouldn't and I like having stuff get ripped apart from the artwork to the print technique.  Always room to improve.  I for one am not looking for a hand job when I post art/print pics. 

Offline Chadwick

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Re: A word about art critiquing.
« Reply #8 on: February 14, 2012, 07:22:30 PM »
I for one am not looking for a hand job when I post art/print pics.

I must have I missed this post.
That get's my vote for quote of the year.

I think anyone welcomes proper crits or ideas.

Lots of us artistic types on here to police the situation, if it gets out of hand, regardless.


Offline JBLUE

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Re: A word about art critiquing.
« Reply #9 on: February 14, 2012, 07:29:53 PM »
ehh, nobody should get sensitive about anything they post on a public forum full of talented people in their industry.  In fact, why else post here unless you wanted that critique?  Also, I think we most/all run good shops here and if it went out the door somebody was happy with them so it's not like anyone could really take too much offense right?  I sure wouldn't and I like having stuff get ripped apart from the artwork to the print technique.  Always room to improve.  I for one am not looking for a hand job when I post art/print pics.

Perfectly said! This is how we get better.

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid...... Ben Franklin