Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. - Thomas Edison
So I am now into the Digital Direct with a Viper DTG system.... and some freeky Rip software....Where is the place here for Direct to garment? I know a lot of you still consider it a toy.... Oh Wait it is..But it is just so fun to do full on digital art no spot.....does it go in the general area with transfers :-O I did a search and din't get much back.
Still a Mac head huh?
You so funny Wick! let's see, I 've been using computers since before Adobe invented the post script language that allowed my trade to go digital,, it came on a Mac.... been using them since and you think I.m going to go buy a dellshiba & wallymart and learn windos.... HEHE.it took me this long to fudge to the intel chip.. probably get a virus now :-Oyou know what they say..." Once you go Mac... you never go crazy"
Nobody flirts with me anymore.