screen printing > Waterbase and Discharge

White Discharge On Red Shirts?

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Gildan has it as a B rating, meaning it is acceptable for discharge but has anyone done it and have good results?

I've done it on a few occasions and haven't had great results but they weren't terrible either.  Looked like a pretty good plastisol white without a print/flash/print, but obviously with the softer hand.  Using Matsui Inks, I mixed in about 5% of the activator, wonder if adding more of the DFS would give better results?

Large vector art may pink up on you. You can make a hybrid discharge white and base and use as a UB then a LB plastisol on top. Also the new HSA acrylics work very well for this application. You don't have to worry about dischargeability but get the soft hand high elasticity

tony,what were the results overprinting hsa with plastisol? 

Get Shirts:
Just today we printed Red Anvil Organic and Gildan Ultra Cotton with Union White Discharge with very good results.  I'm in the process of doing a wash test, looks great after the first cycle.  Not an enormous print, just text, but big enough to notice if the color was off.


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