Rutland has quietly released their HSA (High Solids Acrylic) ink for just this application. This ink shows some extreme promise folks. It is opaque and elastic and very soft as it is a waterbase product. It is offered in the mixing color pallette as well as white and black. I am beta testing for several applications but a white/flash/white is amazing. I'm keeping to 160/110 mesh as it tends to dry in the screen however there is an open time extender which minimizes this.
I will be testing this as an UB for plastisol. If it holds up like I believe it just might change your world. This is not discharge, has low bleed characteristics and there is no activator or shelf life. Works fine on cotton. They were distributing to Nike printers quietly until now (apparently there was some agreement which has expired)
This might be huge. Thanks to Rick Stefanic for the nod.