screen printing > General Screen Printing

Too many films

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Doing some early spring cleaning and clearing out old (decades) films. I made two little roll around carts with coroplast hangers out of frames a few years ago which did a really nice job.
The cart that's empty will get a board on top and used as a roll around table and the folders will get squirreled away someplace because I can't throw a damned thing away. I've saved repeat customers and think I'll just print and toss any new films I make moving forward. 

Toss the super profitable jobs first so they get re-ordered as soon as you throw them away.


--- Quote from: ebscreen on February 12, 2025, 02:01:11 PM ---Toss the super profitable jobs first so they get re-ordered as soon as you throw them away.

--- End quote ---

That is so true when I go through old film folders and toss them, they come in a few days or a week later to order LOL

I remember years ago we used to keep films... Then I was like screw it, what pita.. I just go in and reprint

Way too much money and time to save, file, fine and re-burn. Just re-print the films and save time and money.


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