Author Topic: My Presents New ‘How To’ Roland VersaCAMM Video  (Read 1212 times)

Offline Deborah Sexton

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The latest video from, an online educational community for users of Roland printer/cutters, shows how to set up spot colors for outputting a job. Steven Jackson, education sales representative, Imprintables Warehouse, demonstrates how to adjust Versaworks settings to ensure accurate and consistent results. 

The video shows how to prepare the file whether you use Adobe Illustrator or CorelDraw software. One critical element to file preparation is making sure you use a Roland Versaworks color, which will have the nomenclature RVW. Otherwise, when it’s exported from CorelDraw or “saved as” in Illustrator Versaworks will not recognize it, and it will be converted to CMYK.

The video shows a file with the correctly named color files and one without so you can understand the importance of choosing an RVW file.

Jackson also demonstrates a quick tip to ensure that your cut lines are complete and ready to go, which can save a re-do if there were any undetected problems. You can view the video by visiting the video tab at or go to: