Author Topic: Tutorial on three basic vector separation methods in Adobe Illustrator.  (Read 10106 times)

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Re: Tutorial on three basic vector separation methods in Adobe Illustrator.
« Reply #15 on: November 21, 2016, 06:38:19 PM »
In CorelDRAW, rather than use the standard marks in their standard positions, I have always merely imported the three "rifle sight" type marks that I created.
Two easy steps: Import my "3RegMarks" file, and then position them as I need.
Can't be any tougher in Illy.

btw, years ago, a buddy who was teaching me Photoshop did them as custom brushes.

Sure it could.

Draw a box, hit a button and those marks are placed automatically based on the box you just drew. :)
Well that@s what we are doing at the moment. I`m looking for a fully automated solution.

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Re: Tutorial on three basic vector separation methods in Adobe Illustrator.
« Reply #16 on: November 29, 2016, 05:06:19 PM »
Dan....good to see you doing some tutorial videos.  This industry needs more input from those experienced with their craft as there's a ton of bad information floating around.

On another note, to write really good actions, most likely you'll need to implement conditional logic through JavaScript.  These are written using a tool named ExtendScript Toolkit which is available at no cost from Adobe.  You'll also want to download the SDK (Software Development Kit) for the version of Illustrator or Photoshop being used.  The SDK contains extensive information on using ExtendScript Toolkit, Scripting and writing JavaScript that runs within the environment of the intended application.

The Action can then call the JavaScript when needed to perform a task not possible through the static Action.  It's not easy however and unfortunately there's little to no basic how-to documentation to get started aside what's offered from Adobe, most of which assumes the process is somewhat understood.

Good Luck!
Developer of UltraSeps and QuikSeps Color Separation Software. 
Oh yeah, I actually printed t-shirts too for over 30 years.