screen printing > General Screen Printing
Large hoodie order, any pointers?
Another reason I'd like to avoid any mist is that I have carpet (was a men's clothing store) and can't image trying to clean that.
We have over spray collection vacum units with disposable filters from Tekmar under the load/unload stations on each auto. Helps a lot; you can tell that the filters catch a lot of excess spray. Not perfect but again, big difference. Helps to show the sprayer on how to do it correctly and efficiently with minimal over spray. So, mist all day. Every platen, every time without going crazy with the spray can.
Maybe I'm over thinking this, it happens, but I cobbed this little spray box together with some scrap coro and an old 20 x 24 frame.
If anything I'm out 20 mins and scrap that was trash anyway. Maybe one more thing to add to my pile of bad decisions. ;D
Just watch the sleeves don't catch. Wet dry att might help but check those filters too or you'll burn it up
-As 3D mentioned, watch the hoods and drawstrings when flashing.
-I often needed to use a heat-press (and piece of craft paper) to flatten the occasional rough print. Craftpaper will dull the ink, teflon will shine the ink.
- I would also send the garments around once (without printing) to allow the flash to size/shrink the garment before printing the underbase. This caused me to be slow as hell, but for an unexperienced printer like me, it seemed to reduce the number of misprints due to poor registration.
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