screen printing > Equipment

Game Changers or Dust collectors

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Industries across the globe and over time have always tried (and will continue) to innovate and improve technology in an effort to move forward with regards to efficiency, quality, and innovation. Ours is certainly not an exception. "Thank You Captain Obvious" you may say, however there have certainly been some clunkers out there. In addition, there are pieces of equip that are considered to be treasures to some but trash to others. So, in order to start what might be a lively discussion lets try to stay clear of bashing, more of a pros and cons thread. Humorous anecdotes allowed and encouraged.
I'll share some of mine later.

I'll share a dust collector for us was buying a pad printing setup, not the El-cheapo but a nice manual system, won't mention the name because the equipment was great did what they said it would do, but the problem was the cost of products and qty of what you had to buy vs what the customer wanted.  I don't think I made my money back or if I did we broke even and still have the machine today, so not only do you have to study the machine but the products you need do produce items for customers.  Another piece of equipment was a cap attachment to screen print 6 panel caps, now I will say we made our money back and more on that until screenprinted caps fell wayside to embroidery, those are my two biggest investments that now collect dust.

Ive got a squeegee cleaner sitting in the corner here. The one with two big brushes and a hand crank. I loved it but the crew says its too slow. It splashes chems up into the top of the blade and leaks down as the squeegee flexes during production if you aren't thorough. Then there's the winged flood bar hangup. Screen O and a rag is quicker... and with the number of setups we're pushing every day pretty much mandatory. Less healthy for sure... but quicker yes.

Automatic hang tagging machine...

OMFG. Tinkerer's nightmare. Trying to get it to work correctly and not have it waste more time than it was supposed to save.

Game Changers:
One Stroke Inks
S mesh
Unlimited time off for employees + make you're own schedule
beer fridge
no phone
DTF in house

Dust Collectors:
Roller frames
Quartz Flashes
Squeegie cleaners
specialty pallets /  jacket hold down
Number screens
screen stretching systems
Bucket scoop with the thumb on it...


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