screen printing > Screen Making

Eco-Frames or Shur-loc Ez

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We're an MHM shop and we've had them all.. statics, statics with permanent blockout, Newmans, Shurlocs.... and at one point we had frames of each type in use at the same time! It was such a headache and nearly broke us there for a while.

So, we had be a static shop, and through my initiative went almost all-in to Newman rollers which were great (but heavy).  Overtime we realized we were not maintaining them, so I had to do the hard thing of reversing course and selling off all the Newmans and brining in Shurlocs. It was a huge undertaking from sending out 100+ rollers, to having to buy that same amount in Shurlocs, and, since we're MHM, adding pegs and permanent sealant to them. 

I will never go back. Shurlocs hold tension for so much longer than statics (they also start off tighter), their s-mesh/thin thread is fantastic.  With the endurance panels you have some block out. You also have rods that you can add for additional tension (to increase the tension if it's dropped) but honestly we never use them because they hold tension so well.

All that being said, Shurlocs for me are the best in the business because we can control everything in house. I can restretch a screen in 15 minutes and have it back in production the next day (giving it 24 hrs for the mesh to relax).  I hated having to ship out frames to be restretched.

We have been using Shurlocs for a good while.. they work pretty great for us.

Eco Frames here. 100% of the fleet for a long while now. They are a no brainer. Statics are more expensive, take more space, aren’t as stiff.

They are pretty much the same as Shurloc. I made my choice based on distribution of the panels. Easier to get the Eco Frame stuff up here for us.

Looking at sewing our own panels in-house too. Seems simple enough. Simpler than what I went through to stretch Rollers back in the day.

Work hardening is cool and all but my tracking at a graphic shop showed that reclaim has more effect on mesh than the print job does. I would track graphic screens with 5k, 10k, 20k impressions. They all end up with the same average reclaims before they popped.

So yeah, they are all the benefits of rollers except work hardening, which may be moot for most people anyway.

So much simpler as well. What’s a weft?

I have around 20 EZ frames but prefer good statics from either Spot Color or GSF.

Static frames here as well I still have a few rollers I use now and then, but I feel like I get my money worth out of statics, once I get that first job done with them then the rest is profit.


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