screen printing > General Screen Printing
How do you work out printing times?
You can estimate goal printing times easily, can't really calculate for issues but you can consider it in your formula.
I always followed this formula
(C)olor Count
(S)etup / Teardown Time Per Color = 10 mins
(R)ate per hour = .15 or 400 per hour goal (60 / 400)
So two color print, 100 pieces = 35 mins
(2*10)+(100*.15) = 35
20 minute setup and teardown, 15 minute runtime, job should be able to be completed in 35 minutes
That is considering everything is actually ready to go, and is the goal time. You can adjust based off your real shop numbers to calculate your own goal, and then you can cross reference that with actual production rates to see where you should make improvements to get more work out the door.
Does this count in the " Print Time"?
Finished a job like Homer says, back ink on safety green, and they fly through it.. and then I hear the spot gun on about 3/4 of the job..
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