screen printing > Equipment

Exposure unit recommendations.

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Just be sure whatever you buy has an integrader. It measures light units. Using time for exposure measurement is not as accurate.

Still running our OLEC. I see the advantages of LED, but everyone knows vinyl records sound better than CD's.

There are a few Olec setups on ebay right now pretty cheap. If you're not comfortable with a multi meter and effing around sometimes idk if i'd recommend it.

An auto coater of some kind will also really help you get more consistent expo. EOM needs to be consistent to be get best exposures imo. If you don't have an integrator on your existing setup that would probably do wonders if you can find a way to rig one up with a photocell. What unit are you running now? homebrew?

The saati single point is the way that i'd go if I was going to go led. They say you can run that with just a timer, but im skeptical that LEDS wont loose light output over time. I think the light itself is 2-3k but you still need to make a box and integrate a timer. You'd think some crafty guy would have made a esp32 / hmi setup for one of those already for a plug and play solution but i havent seen it.

For your viewing pleasure!
The light, piece of felt, the board under it and the 22 pound weight under that have been used since day one (23 years).
I got a bigger piece of glass and made the stand larger when I got the auto, over 10 years ago.
Not pretty, but it's got me by. I just want to do better, not that 98% of my customers would notice.
Edited: I zoomed in and looked at the fan, don't look at that  ;D

I almost bought a starlight, but an old buddy of mine showed me how to upgrade my Atlas Exposure unit with an LED light when I couldn't find bulbs for it anymore, cost me 150 bucks, so you might can get an older unit pretty cheap and convert it if your looking to save a few coins.

I may be old school but I prefer a single point light source, even if it's an LED bulb conversion.

We run a 7500w Amergraph we picked up for like $500. Check used places, and check industrial overstock companies like HGR.


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