screen printing > Equipment

Exposure unit recommendations.

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--- Quote from: bimmridder on July 25, 2024, 08:41:07 AM ---If you don't have the power, this is all a moot point

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I've got plenty of juice here.  :D
Are there any sellers I should stay away from? I remember a big dust up with one a few years ago.


--- Quote from: farmboygraphics on July 25, 2024, 07:53:41 AM ---
--- Quote from: Evo on July 24, 2024, 08:03:38 PM ---Used M&R MSP 3140 exposure units (and most any single point metal halide units) are going for next to nothing these days. If you are still on film these are fantastic units and you can dial in your exposure and lock it in with the built in integrator.

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Just to make sure I'm looking at the correct model, these are 110 volt?

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I had one that was 120V, 18 amp. If I recall the transformer wiring inside can be swapped around for different inlet voltages.

Any thoughts on this company?
They were recommended by a rep at Ulano.


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