screen printing > General Screen Printing
Realistic printing speeds
My answer will be of no help to you, but here it is anyway.
264 pcs an hour once around with flash (average job), printed by shirt size, folded, stacked, next size.
I'm also checking emails, keeping jobs going on the Roland at the same time or wandering off in the shop to
work on something that I just have to do because I'll forget if I don't. One man shop, some days I'm more efficient then others.
Are you giving them the proper tools to be efficient and run faster production? This has been my quest for the past few years, is there anything I can do/buy to make your quality of life better?... Standing pads, better shoes, better stacking tables, portable AC units, lasers, an assistant, a beer fridge...I find the "happier" they are, the more they produce..... Rewards, like last Friday, if you guys get through x, y and Z, you can take Friday and Monday off...
Apparently not since most press mfrs advertise print speeds up to 1,000+ per hour ;) ;) ;) ::) ::)
We are a Mom n Pop shop and now I could care less about how fast I get a job done as long as we get it done for there pickup date, now back in the day I was about hitting numbers in and out. What really changed a lot of print speeds and hitting numbers (covid) is order size's now which for us has dropped, once was 1k to 3k orders and now we are comfy at 48 to 500 pc orders now with a 1K every now and then, and to be truthful I think we make more doing the smaller orders than the large ones.
I'm pretty much like Daryl. When I was in the grind, we shot for 900/hour. These days, its just me and I don't really care how fast I'm going as long as I make deadlines and are not printing all day. If I had to guess, I'd say I cruise somewhere between 150 and 200 per hour these days.
I'm going to fully retire in another 18 months, so I've scaled way back on clients and only take the jobs that I feel like taking now. Life is good.
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