screen printing > Equipment

Using M&R sprint as conveyer belt while gas is shut off

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Ever wonder why Rapid Tags have 1 print head and 2 flashes?


--- Quote from: Frog on March 29, 2024, 05:15:38 PM ---
--- Quote from: Admiral on March 29, 2024, 03:56:47 PM ---Consider adding some nylobond to the ink too, since it won't quite be fully cured on the press?

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Do you not find that the ink can become a little more stiff or brittle with that?
Of course, with the OP's particular present project of small tags, it wouldn't be as much of an issue.

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I suppose we have only added nylobond in undercure situations, and of course, usually with nylon as the substrate.  I forget what testing that a long time ago on a shirt looked like, but curing on its own is a good thing I would think if you are only flashing on the press.  I have only had black ink cure fully without platen overheating issues on the press before (with quartz flashes).  I wouldn't want to warp my pallets with overheating them, trying to cure fully on the press.


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