Are you offering DTG?
- No, It looks horrible and I want nothing to do with it!
3 (16.7%)
- 'thinking about it, not sure it's there yet.
2 (11.1%)
- Offering it, but done by somebody else
3 (16.7%)
- We are about to bring it in house
1 (5.6%)
- we offer it and love the results
3 (16.7%)
- we offer it and don't really care for the results.
2 (11.1%)
- it can look fine, but it's too expensive, too slow or not fitting our business model
4 (22.2%)
Total Members Voted: 18
Voting closed: March 23, 2024, 11:37:08 AM
Topic: Are you doing DTG? (Read 4880 times)