screen printing > Equipment

How to print information on static frames?

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--- Quote from: CBCB on February 13, 2024, 02:41:59 PM ---Yes I realized our inventory can’t exactly match what we use and 305 is a good example! But it’s an outlier. You do need a minimum amount of inventory but that doesn’t mean there is not a point of excess.

I try to remind myself that inventory isn’t the enemy - it’s Excess Inventory. We’re in trouble anytime we make more of something than what the customer needs. I agree we need plenty of them, but where is the bottleneck?

I want to shoot them as fast as possible from when they are paid for. And I think I want them ready for reclaim instead of ready for exposure. Screens do go bad once coated. Eventually. But they get harder to reclaim the longer they say as well you could argue.

So we can’t get rid of that bottleneck, but I often think about where it’s going to be. I’m leaning towards having them ready for reclaim.

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We use a diazo based emulsion that supposedly has the shortest coated shelf life of them all, but in the 15 years we've been using it the only time we've had a screen be certifiably
too old has been some oddball 30 or 60 meshes. We now store those as fully reclaimed/ready to coat, which is what I would aim at if we weren't going the full way.


--- Quote from: bimmridder on February 13, 2024, 03:47:07 PM ---The fun thing about bottlenecks is, you will ALWAYS have one somewhere.

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The Goal is to put them in the right spots!

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