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Shoutbox Bill's reference

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We are 20 miles outside of Boston. We never bid on anything, we were contacted to see if we had the capacity to be a part of "team" to put out apparel overnight. We could with a single auto give them 4k to 6K overnight and up til about noon. They gave us films, full instructions, and even had people staying overnight with you because of the unscrupulous printers who steal and sell. From Red Sox, Bruins, Celtics and mostly the Patriots, it was a lot of work, the pay was decent, especially for February, but we finally stopped doing it.



--- Quote from: zanegun08 on January 18, 2024, 01:11:37 AM ---Their print quality is a perfect match to the quality of the team!

--- End quote ---

shut..your FACE.... ;D

LET'S GO BUFFALO!!!!!!!!!!

I like how if one watches this news clip it makes it seem like this tiny shop is the exclusive winner of the contract to print Bills apparel.

Which is of course it is not. Hot Market always seems awesome to everyone until you do it. Kills your whole week. She'll probably be OK though. We would have to set up the design on all presses the night before and get approval. If they lose you tear down and do not get compensated for all that. If they win it takes the wind out of your sail and everyone is all burnt out after printing till the wee hours of the morning

Question for those in the know, would these need to be tagged and bagged before they leave their shop?


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