screen printing > Waterbase and Discharge

Waterbase flukes

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blue moon:
possibly something to do with the screen. If it was in the ink, the dots would be elongated. I've seen similar problems when we had dirty reclaim water spray on the screens and leave reclaim chemicals on it. Not sure if this helps, but I would be looking at the reclaim to start...


What mesh on the yellow? That looks like when you're shearing off fuzz from the shirt into the ink.

The green print when we've seen it I've always assumed it to be machine oil from the mill. I would wager the slightest
spray amount would interfere with the discharge reaction, and also transfer to subsequent prints, oil/water not mixing and all.

225s murakami smart mesh on the yellow. #5 of 7 ink colors.
150s murakami smart mesh on the green. #1 of 2 ink colors.

It's spots not fuzz.

Non-discharge prints aren't showing spots but maybe the inks are covering them up.

We repurchased the shirts in another brand & model. 5 of the 40 had the same issue. So must not be the brand.
ROQ support feels the press is not spraying anything.

We consolidated (3) 5 gal buckets of activator that were all less than 1 year old. Did it a month or 2 ago. It's either that or the press is spraying something. don't hear any air leaks. Thanks for the response.


--- Quote from: cclaud3 on January 09, 2024, 08:45:32 PM ---

We consolidated (3) 5 gal buckets of activator that were all less than 1 year old. Did it a month or 2 ago. It's either that or the press is spraying something. don't hear any air leaks. Thanks for the response.

--- End quote ---

Just curious is it CCI ? Not saying anything, just curious

Yes it CCI


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