"He who marches out of step hears another drum." ~ Ken Kesey
I read the line wrong "print above and on the pocket", my brain took out the "and on"To do this properly it would be two locations. If the image is small and not really heavy coverage then this is where a transfer can come in handy as could be a one step process.But this is two locations, and I would bill it as two locations as to print it properly with consistently good results would take two prints.What I may present to a client who is trying to save money is a left and right chest, where the left chest, is above the pocket and right chest you wouldn't have to bother with the pocket, since that could be done in one location.With discharge, I'm sure you could hit a little spray adhesive in the pocket and smooth it out with your hand to decrease movement. If doing discharge printing these manually for a small little print on a pocket isn't really much slower considering the lower labor of a single operator vs two, and it's not gonna break your back for a little image on a pocket, so you could potentially print the first print above the pocket on the auto, and second on a manual sleeve pallet.But just do it right, two locations and charge accordingly.
We have a fairly large order that needs a print above and on the pocket, I'm wanting to run this on the auto and no we have no pocket or sleeve pallets for the auto only the manual press, I got laser alignment for the auto which will help with placement. Anyone done this or do I just need to print the separate? Oh and the print so far is a one color orange on navy hopeing to double stroke with no flashing one time around ;D
Above the pocket is no problem with the laser system and regular pallets but unless someone here has printed on the pocket without the sleeve or pocket pallets, I haven't found a way.