screen printing > Equipment

Vastex c1000 semi auto coater


Doug S:
Hey guys!  I'm thinking of purchasing this.  Has anyone had experience with it?

I don't go through enough screens to justify the purchase a full auto coater yet. I usually coat the screens myself because I'm the only one who can here so I'm looking for something that allow others to coat screens here.

T Shirt Farmer:
We had one many years ago. Within a few days it was in the dumpster, we can doo 3 to 1 by hand. Get a big coater scoop and only fill it half way for training.

Doug S:

--- Quote from: Doug S on November 29, 2023, 11:09:48 AM ---Hey guys!  I'm thinking of purchasing this.  Has anyone had experience with it?

I don't go through enough screens to justify the purchase a full auto coater yet. I usually coat the screens myself because I'm the only one who can here so I'm looking for something that allow others to coat screens here.

--- End quote ---
It sounds like I need to wait for the need for a full auto coater.  Thanks for the input.

We used one for several years and worked well.  It can be slower than someone who knows what they are doing but I was able to train others quickly. We now have an auto coater.


--- Quote from: Doug S on November 29, 2023, 11:09:48 AM ---Hey guys!  I'm thinking of purchasing this.  Has anyone had experience with it?

I don't go through enough screens to justify the purchase a full auto coater yet. I usually coat the screens myself because I'm the only one who can here so I'm looking for something that allow others to coat screens here.

--- End quote ---
We bought this 5 years ago. No regrets. Works great. Next we are going to buy this auto coater. Comes in several sizes. US$8000. Very well build and a fraction of the price of most other auto coaters.


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