screen printing > Equipment
--- Quote from: cclaud3 on March 07, 2024, 02:01:42 PM ---We've been using yellow for a couple of months and like it. We only use water and tile sponge to scrub clean. If it's completely lint-less it's too strong so we keep a small layer of lint on the platens. Our best method so far is ROQ iron and flashes if necessary to keep it tacky. We do hundreds of prints at time without scubbing.
--- End quote ---
How many prints a day? how many platens on the press?
We tried the yellow.
14 stations. 1000-1500 daily prints of high-color count water based. Was using roll-on water-based tack for years and find this easier so far. I factored in annual replacements based on what I was read.
For the first few weeks we used baby powder in an old t-shirt (cornstarch is much cheaper btw) to de-tac the grip. Quicker to leave a little lint on.
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