screen printing > Equipment

Air Purifier vs small shop air

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I started in the 80's/90's shops.

Automotive parts washer for plastisol screens and squeegees - benzene, toulene, kerosene mix. Maximum fumes, all the time, whether you were near it or not.

Mineral spirits to clean the pallets and press.

Tri-sodium phosphate to degrease screens.

Caustic soda haze remover. (Ulano etches mesh). One tiny dot on your skin burned like fire.

No exhaust on the spot remover gun.

Oh and we all smoked at least a pack a day (just not at the press...usually)

I guess if we all did the right thing in our reclaim rooms we would all dang near have on hazmat suits, my reclaim is right outside my back door so I'm all in the fresh air.

This year I lost two friends/reps of over 30 years each. I wonder what effect the chemistry over the years may have had on them. Both died from lung problems. Yes both smoked for many years. And both went through Covid. But I wonder.

Respirator and gloves always in reclaim and Corsi–Rosenthal Box's in the printing area. I was really surprised at the difference they made knocking down the lint in the air.


--- Quote from: Dottonedan on September 25, 2023, 10:13:33 AM ---Wow!  That’s sounds horrible.  Never experienced that myself.  What brand chems are you using?

--- End quote ---
We got plenty of stuff from CCI.


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