screen printing > Equipment

Air Purifier vs small shop air

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I learned pretty early on, that dehazer/ghost image remover also easy removes your skin..  :'(

here a wikipedia link to the Corsi–Rosenthal Box

Great idea. But not sure if I couldn´t get a second-hand commercial/industrial unit and replace the filter for cheaper, but sometimes diy is enough.

It’s the dust that kills me.. not only is it annoying to clean, but it def gets into lungs. Dust + spray tac = bad bad. Maybe it’s just the comfort colors idk…. But we bought two powermatic filtration units that they use in woodworking shops. They’ve cut down the dust a lot. One is up high over the dryer and the other is under a press at an angle to catch dust and spray tack. Planning on adding a third here for under the other press. Since we got them they do reduce the amt of dust that we have to clean. But we do go through a lot of filters. Once you see that filter tho…  you realize what everyone has been breathing for so long. Not good. Powermatic makes good units, just keep up on the filter changes. It’s more often than you’d think.


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